basikal roda tiga elektrik untuk pengangkutan orang ramai

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboure et dolore magna aliqua. Untuk meminimumkan veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


1500W:Sebutharga EXW:$1220;2000W:Sebutharga EXW:$1350;3000W:Sebutharga EXW:$1438;

Sebutharga EXW:$1750;

Sebut harga ini tidak termasuk sebarang bayaran penghantaran, pembungkusan, bateri dan pengecas. )              

Jenama motor 1500W dan 2000W ialah Nanpu(南普), dengan Wanbang(万邦) sebagai pengawal, Xinlianda(欣联达) sebagai motor 3000W, dan Shuntian(顺天). Jenama bateri litium fosfat ialah Guoxuan(国轩), yang merupakan salah satu daripada tiga jenama teratas dalam jualan domestik.

The Electric passenger tricycle is a game-changer in the world of transportation. Its modern design and advanced features make it stand out from the crowd. Picture yourself cruising along in this stylish vehicle, turning heads wherever you go.
Equipped with a powerful battery, it offers a long range and quick charging capabilities. No more worrying about running out of power on your trips. The comfortable seats and smooth suspension ensure a pleasant ride for all passengers.
Whether you’re looking for a practical way to get around town or a unique form of transportation for special occasions, the Electric passenger tricycle is sure to impress. Embrace the future of mobility with this remarkable vehicle.



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